1092_Computer Organization and Architecture
Registration:Now ~ Any Time
Course Period:2021-02-18 ~ 2021-07-01
LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

Course Intro

Course Plan

計算機系統概論 計算機的效能 指令集架構 基本算術運算器-加減法 進階算術運算器設計 基本處理器設計 記憶體系統 中斷 輸出/入系統 檔案系統與儲存裝置 周邊裝置 嵌入式系統概論
計算機組織與結構-效能設計 (Stallings: Computer Organization and Architecture 9/E)
  • Ch00-Course Outline
  • Ch01-Introductions
  • Ch02-Data Representation and Arithmetic
  • Ch03-Performance
  • Ch04-ISA
  • Ch07-Memory
Teacher / 林學儀

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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices