1102_An Introduction to Embedded system
Course Period:Now ~ Any Time
LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

Course Intro

Course Plan

  • 01_Introduction to Embedded System and applications
  • 02_Introduction to IoT and Sensors
  • 03_Introduction to Raspberry Pi
  • 04_Putty_Linux commands and Nano
  • 05_Introduction to Python, Hello World in Python, Data Types, Flow Control and Loop
  • 06_Introduction to Python, Data Types, Branching statements, Flow Control and Loop
  • 07_樹莓派基礎 GPIO
  • 08_樹莓派GPIOZero程式設計- 基礎應用
  • 09_CH08_樹莓派GPIOZero程式設計
  • 110_embedded system_finalexam
Teacher / 劉又齊
LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices