1111_Object-Oriented Programming Language
Course Period:Now ~ Any Time
LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

Course Intro

Course Plan

  • 課程簡介
  • 教材1
  • 教材2
  • 教材3
  • 教材4
  • 範例(ch2-6)
  • 解答(1)
  • 教材(總)
  • 期中考參考答案
  • 範例(ch07-08)
  • 範例(ch09-11)
  • 1123-1207演練解答
  • 範例ch12
  • 作業2參考答案
  • ch15範例參考
  • ch17範例參考
  • 1214&1228
Teacher / 

Related Courses

1081_Programming Language and Laboratory (Ⅰ)
Period:Not set
1071_Case Study of Information System
Period:Not set
LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices